From the summit, I could see Pembrokeshire to the south and Anglesey to the north. Wait, that’s the whole of Wales!? An ideal spot to watch the sun set over the Irish Sea and rise again over England. You should do it. Here are details of my short 2 day wild camp route using quieter…
Tag: Mountains

Morocco Adventure: Part 2 – Desert
As we drove East, the landscape became much drier until all we could see was sand 1. Tiz-n-Tichka Pass After a good night’s sleep in our tent, we freshened up and got dressed for the first time without running water, feeling only slightly sore from our adventure on Mount Toubkal the day before. After breakfast,…

Morocco Adventure: Part 1 – Mountains
The altitude, the heat and the rough barren lanscape made this a very special trek Mount Toubkal Our flight arrived in the morning at Marrakech airport and we were already travel-weary and tired from the early start that day. Fortunately today all we would do is transfer straight up into the High Atlas Mountains to…

Third Man Factor – Our Guardian Angels?
June 1st 1933, and the British Everest Expedition to climb the highest mountain in the world, which had started out as a large scale, well organised military-style operation was coming to a desperate end. High up above 26,000ft, in the death zone, where there is not enough oxygen in the air for human life to…

Guide to Start Climbing Your Own Via Ferratas
If you enjoy hill-walking, scrambling or climbing you may not yet be familiar with the mountain experience known as a Via Ferrata (or Iron Path) although they can be found in most areas of the world. They originated in Italy at the start of the 20th century to facilitate troop movements across the mountains. There…